Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei


Yesterday I spoke to the Bible Study group in Petaluma. I realized that I was so glad to meet the people in the group after the whole summer I was away for my internship.

We talked about worry using the text in Matthew 6:25-34. Just before the Bible Study started I was having a conversation with one of the participants who shared about her worry and fear. In my mind I said, we are going to talk about it.

Based on the text, we concluded that we should not let worry take us away from being rich toward God. God calls us to be a blessing. And when God blesses us with material gain, God's purpose is that we can also share it with the poor. We should not let our worry of lacking anything stop us from doing our responsibility to take care of the needy. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be. After that we talked about worry in a broader sense.

Worry is a natural part of human being, I said. Only we have to be on guard toward it, because it can hinder us in our relationship with God (see Luk 8:14; 21:34). Therefore, it is important to remember the counsel of the Word of God, "Cast all your anxiety [worry] on him because he cares for you" (I Pet 5:7). I felt the Word spoke to me first.

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