Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei

God's Love and Power Were Made Known

I am amazed with how God works in someone’s life. I do believe that there is no coincidence. I went to the GKI Sacramento retreat in Foresthill, and saw how God’s love and power were made known to everybody in the group. It was a powerful experience, and one thing that I know, it will change our lives from that moment on.

The retreat took up the theme "BERSAKSI DAN MELAYANI" (witnessing and serving). It was held from 6-8 of August 2010 at the Community of Great Commission, Foresthill, CA. I had to leave the site on the 7th because I had to be at Parkview Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning to conduct a confirmation class. Thanks to all for sharing God's love and mercy.

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First Things | On the Square