Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei

Soft-Opening PAUD Kristen Tumou Tou Kel. Toulour

Soft-opening of the Christian Pre-School Tumou Tou in Toulour (with closed captioning). Bersama dengan teman-teman lainnya di Tondano, kami memulai sebuah sekolah pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) di Kel. Toulour, Kec. Tondano Timur.

About this pre-school.

The name is: TUMOU TOU Christian Pre-school, located in Toulour Village District of East Tondano, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

We were convinced that good education with a Christian tone is a great need for our children and our community. Therefore, we are undertaking a leap of faith by establishing an international and ecumenical school for the children whose parents certainly can never afford such education, and therefore it is given freely. 

At this time, the class is hosted at my house, while we are preparing to renovate a building for this purpose. We have three teachers, including my mother, and 14 kids. 

After three years this school will be handed over to the village's Education Committee, which is consisted of those who are able, honest, and committed to this cause. Later, God willing, the foundation will still help providing the curriculum and teacher training.

The name “TUMOU TOU” is from the local language, Toudano, meaning “to grow/to give life to a person.” Aside from learning science, math, and develop their physical abilities in a Christian environment, the children also learn English and the local language/culture.

The goal is for the children to develop good characters and to grow in their full potential as children in a loving, supporting, and nourishing environment.

Updated: 3/21/13

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