Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei

Maintain Love Speech

In a healthy democracy, to have a different opinion is natural and should be expected. This important feature of democracy, however, is being bombarded by an ideological movement of sexual-revolution with their ‘hate speech’ shell. The targets are those who differ in opinion, though their opinion is based on sound logic and social-philosophical arguments; not on fantasy or cruel allegation of racism. 

This ‘ostracizing weapon’ of ‘hate speech’ should not be underestimated. Many have resolved to be a passive resistant because of it. There are many also, especially the youngsters who are trying to fit into their environment, have surrendered to this ideology portrayed in light of “the virtue of acceptance” in every media where they turn to; the same media that often water down their societal values, much less their religious traditions. These are values that have protected the longevity of human community. 

So there are several tasks for those who believe in the value of fair democratic process and Christian engagement in social responsibility. First is to maintain the love speech against sexual revolution that is increasingly aggressive to reverse the societal norms around the globe; second is to show sexual revolutionists the value of fair democracy lies in honest and respectful engagement on issues that will affect every one in the world, especially the youngsters and children; third to be informed from both perspectives and to be able to make a critical judgment and ethical decision concerning the issue. Last but not least, remember also “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rome 12:21).

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