Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei

Surprise Farewell Gathering

GKI Sacramento Youth organized a surprise farewell gathering for Elizabeth and me at a park in Sacramento, in which they gave us a set of present: a photo frame with our names printed on it, a blue candle, and something borrowed that followed, which turned out to be a book. Culturally the presents are meant for ones who are getting married. My internship supervisor, Rev. Dr. Aart van Beek, also came to that occasion. The youth, Rev. Dr. D. Tiwa-Rotinsulu, and some members of the congregation shared some words about me, not just the good things but also where my growing edges were. I was speechless; so blessed by this gathering, and was so impressed by my friends and Rev. Agustinus Tiwa who went all the way to make it happened. Elizabeth was not able to come because she was leading her youth group for a mission trip to learn about houseless-ness in Hollywood, California.

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