Time flies. It’s already the second month of Fall Semester 2009. I was supposed to continue my internship program; however, considering my situation, I decided to finish my academic requirements this year (2009-2010). As the result of this decision, I had to make some adjustment concerning my ministry at GKI Sacramento. Since the Rev. Adriana Dukabain, MA. had agreed to help the youth ministry during my leave, I decided not to interrupt it and tried to focus more on my studies. In the meantime, the Rev. Dr. Deetje Tiwa-Rotinsulu, has been appointed as pastor at GKI San Francisco, and by the grace of God, I have been called to serve the youth ministry there twice a month. The amazing thing is that the church in Sacramento also has given me the fourth week to minister the youth. GKI Sacramento has been very supportive to my studies in the past two years. I could not have made it so far without them. I just have a thought that I have been experiencing God’s presence in a very concrete way within this congregation. The other ministry that I am participating in is the Bible Study Group at Petaluma which is held every other week.

This semester I am taking four classes, Polity (as I'd like to know about PCUSA polity), Cultural Psychology which is interesting to me and of course useful for ethnic church ministries, and Pastoral Letters and the writing of the Church Fathers which is right after my Basic Latin class at JSTB (Jesuit School of Theology at Berkley). I have been so weary during the past month, but again and again God in Christ shows me that His love sustains me. I hope the news find you well, and may the same love of Christ abide with you wherever you are.
Many blessings,
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